Reinsidorian Geography

A huge ocean, called the Blood Sea, dominates the World of Reinsidor. There are no known continents, only a smattering of islands. Most are small, no bigger than a couple of hundred meters, with barely enough space for living accommodations and plantations, thus few islands have the luxury of free space. With time these islands formed coalitions for trading and mutual defense, first against sea monsters, and later against other such coalitions.

Geographically, most of the islands form a gigantic ring, called the Outer reaches. The Norteastern and Estern arcs of the Outer reaches have been explored and colonized and the vestiges of ancient human civilization can still be found here.

Next, a smaller group of islands form a second, concentric, ring called the Inner Ring. Most of these islands remain uncharted, but some of Astriol's richest cities were located roughly in this area before the Shattering, so exploration of this sector continues in earnest.

Finally, at the center of both rings lays the Badlands, a zone avoided by any ship captain with a shred of wisdom. The Badlands are constantly shrowded by a perpetual storm, and is protected by many undersea reefs. Both these obstacles would be enough to detter unwanted adventurism, but it seems that the dreaded Kraken, ship-bane, maintains his lair somewhere in this area as well.

As such, shipbuilding has taken a great importance since it�s the lifeblood that allows islands to trade and communicate with each other. The art of Navigation by the stars has also been greatly developed, and since most of the world is still uncharted, ship captains take great pains to leave record of their trips in log books called Captain�s Routes. These books are protected at all costs because they give away important information about the position of cities, trade routes, outposts and more.

Powers of the World

The Atreus Commonwealth

The Atreus Commonwealth has great prestige as an economic and industrial powerhouse. It�s capital, Atreus City-State is a formidable island-fortress completely surrounded by mountains and reefs. The only access to the inner Lagoon (called Lake Tardar) and the city itself is through a net of tunnels that allow ships to enter Lake Tardar.

Atreus was founded by an alliance between Humans, Dwarves and Gnomes. The Dwarves have constructed a ring of tunnels inside the mountains that protect the island, and many speculate that catapults, ballistae and other defensive measures are hidden inside. The mountains also provided a healthy dose of iron and other raw materials that are still used by the Commonwealth to great advantage.

The Atreyans have increased greatly in power over the centuries since the shattering, using their formidable fleet and economic power to muscle in and intimidate lesser nations into giving them favorable trade conditions. Members of the church of [Evil god here] have made permanent outposts in various Atreyan isles, and is usual to find clerics and other faithful serving as "advisors" to various army and public officials.

The Commonwealth is publicly ruled by the Great Council, where each island-member of the Commonwealth sends its representative. It is rumored, however, that key members of the Church of [Evil God here] have the ear of select members of the council. Those that don't pay heed to the word of [EGH] usually don't live long enough to repeat the mistake again. There exist at least a dozen other islands that are members of the commonwealth.

Recently, the island of Trau, a minor member of the Atreyan Commonwealth, expelled all members of the priesthood and declared itself independent from the Commonwealth. The Atreyan response was both swift and heavy handed: Trau was bombarded into submission, and was invaded by the Atreyan army, with support of [EGH] priesthood. The island is nothing more than a smoldering ruin now.

The Commonwealth maintains some 120 ships in active duty as a �defensive fleet� against the depredations of pirates and other mayor powers in the region. The fleet�s flagship is the ACS Warhammer, which is considered the single most powerful vessel in service with any navy right now. This colossal vessel has nearly 300 cannons, powered through the use of arcane magic. Two more vessels of this type are known to be under construction. There are rumors that the Commonwealth has created a prototype of a ship that flies thru the skies as easily as other ships sail the seas.

The Commonwealth and the Kingdom of Baralt have a longstanding territorial feud over an atoll and a chain of islands that neither side seems willing to forgive. Both navies have clashed about a dozen times over the past two hundred years, neither side ever achieving a significant enough victory.

The Kingdom of Albion

The Kingdom of Albion is one of the oldest nation in existence, surviving even after the cataclysm that shook Reinsidor 6 centuries ago. The benevolent Dragonscale family has led the Kingdom for at least 700 years. Albion remains the only place in Reinsidor where some of dead gods are still worshipped.

Albion�s Royal Family, the Dragonscale family claims to have the blood of dragons coursing thru their veins, legend given some credence because of the sorcerers that are born into the family.

The Kingdom�s capital, Satalice, is a lush island, with many channels that permit smaller ships to move thru the city itself. It�s said that hidden among Satalice�s 95 bridges is a key to unlock the resting place of one of the ancient species that ruled Reinsidor in ages long past. So far no one has found any such key, but fortune seekers from the world over come to test their luck.

According to another legend, Albion itself has the blessing of the ancient dragons. The legend says that three times did the Dragons bless the inhabitants of ancient Albion. First they granted the people of Albion a drop of their blood, which turned into a bright light, one of their scales, and their wings. Of the three blessings, two have been accounted for: The blood that guides is clearly the Dragonscale family, and the sorcerous power that courses thru their veins. The dragonscale shield are the Dragoons that appear only to protect the Kingdom of Albion from danger. Of the third blessing, nothing has been divined to this day.

The Kingdom maintains the largest regular army of any nation, and protects its holdings with a Royal Navy of at least 75 vessels. Unlike other powers in the region, Albion is not expanding its frontiers, nor is it conducting exploratory missions beyond the edges of the known world. However, whenever an independent island asks the Astriolian throne for protection, the Dragoncrown has been quick to send aid and welcome another member into the Kingdom. Albion's defenses are somewhat weakened however, since they began to aid Astriol in the losing battle they are fighting against the Suahagin.

Albion is protected from the shadows by a the Dragoons, a cadre of Spearmen and Lancers that imitate the fighting style of Dragons in flight. They are both feared and respected outside of Albion.


Astriol was once the center of the World. For the longest time, Astriol had exclusive control of all things Arcane and magical. They used this power to influence or subjugate other nations until all but the Kingdom of Albion bowed the Astriolian Shields (the Astriolian Army). Their grip of the World ended at the time of the falling, when Celene, the ancient continent, was shattered into the many islands that now exist in Reinsidor. Astriol�s power has waned significantly over the years, as more and more of its wizards seem to disappear for no apparent reason.

The Circle, a group of shadowy Wizards, rules over Astriol. The Identities of these Wizards remains undisclosed, but many suspect that the leaders of the 8 Towers of Wizardry are counted among its members. Astriol encourages the practice of Magic as a means to gain power, and many great Wizards have emerged from this secluded island.

Astriol has suffered the brunt of the Suahagin offensive, and the Circle seems uncapable of turning the tide of the war without reinforcements from the other nations. Only Albion has commited troops and ships to aid the cause, but even this help is insuficient to battle the ever incrising numbers of Sahuagin.

The Circle has already made preparations for their defeat, as 8 islands have been lifted clear of the ocean, and now drift aimlessly above Astriolian territory. These islands have become permanent remainders of the power Ancient Astriol once wielded. Such blatant use of magic, however, has caused tense diplamatic exchanges between Astriol and representatives of Atreus, Baralt and Narzaghul, all of whom fear a repeat of the Day of the Shattering.

Most famous among the various Astriolian achievements are the 8 Towers of Wizardry. Built after the human victory over the Illithid Mind Flayers, the towers' original reason for existance was to teach others about arcane magic. As time passed, this goal was lost, as the towers' residents began to use it as a place where agents loyal exclusively to the Circle were indoctrinated. A thousand horror stories surround the 8 Towers, some of which may or may not be true.

City of Narzaghul

Unlike other islands that banded together for self-defense, Narzaghul decided to remain alone, forging temporary alliances, but never committing themselves to anyone for very long.

Narzaghul had always been a hotbed of revolution and discontent during the time of Astriolian rule, centuries ago. Shortly after the Shattering, Narzaghulian revolutionaries, led a by a cadre of paladins fought and defeated the still shaken Astriolian Shield Garrison. The routed shields withdrew from the city, effectively granting the city its independence.
The days of splendor and magnificence of this city are long gone, yet they remain stubbornly isolated from the rest of Reinsidor. In the past, the city of Narzaghul supported a magnificent army, and hosted the Order of the Knights of Dawn, a group of paladins that protected justice and honor for all. The entire Order, however, disappeared under mysterious circumstances, which historians have determined matches the beginning of Narzaghul�s decline. The city still clings to its military traditions, and a new order was formed to replace the old paladinic order: The Aurora Knights.

The Commandant-General Nalis Rodant, elected to this post by all voting citizens of the city, rules the Narzaghul in theory. Nalis, however, is considered little more than a puppet used by the members of the five noble houses of the city to keep the general populace content. The real rulers are the Grand Masters of the Aurora Knights, who control both, the military and economy of Narzaghul.

Narzhaghul maintains 30 heavy warships around the city at all times. Any other of the major powers of the region could easily defeat this force within hours, but to do so would leave them open to attack from other, more powerful foes.

Rumors that members of the Aurora Knights have been actively hunting down the last remnants of the Knights of Dawn are strongly denied by Commandant-General Rodant. Yet, it is well known that at least one member of the Order was executed on sight in what was qualified as an independent action.

Kingdom of Baralt

The Kingdom of Baralt has its capital in the island of Moonshadow, where the legendary warrior Valhator Baralt set the foundation of his new kingdom. He offered his sword, named Nahr Ferdral, to his followers as the symbol of their covenant: that the crown would always protect those that had followed him from the desolation of the old world. Those that followed Valhator�s blood would wield Nahr Ferdral as a remainder of this covenant.

A charismatic leader, Valhator wanted nothing more than peace for his followers and descendants. Regrettably, Valhator�s grandson, Nikolai didn�t feel that peace and prosperity where possible when other nations like the Atreyan Commonwealth tried to expand into other�s territories. Since that time, Baralt and Atreus have clashed in at least a dozen major battles, with neither side claiming a significant victory over the other. To this day, the Baraltian-Atreyan feud continues to rage in all its fury.

The kingdom now numbers 10 islands among its members, and the number continues to rise as the Baraltian Navy explores and colonizes other islands. Still, Baralt remains increadibly overcrowded, leading many to suspect that Baralt may be eyeing greedily some of the less developed islands in Atreyan, Albionitas and Astriolian territory.

Baralt commands a navy of 97 combat vessels of all types, which continually protect their freighters and cargo ships from pirate depredation, as well as keep an eye over the Atreus Commonwealth. Baralt also comands a second fleet of 15 fast, long-range, ships, known collectively as the Crimson Stars. These long range vessels go on year long missions to find new islands worthy of inhabitation. The kingdom�s enemies claim that the Stars have a more sinister purpose, but what it may be, remains undisclosed and unproven.

More recently, however, rumors have begun to circulate that Iedrosian Baralt, current crowned king, is not actually a descendant of Valhator since he does not wield Nahr Ferdral publicly. Furthermore, ever since Iedrosian's coronation two years ago members of the Cult of [EVIL] have been spotted constantly among the ships of the Crimson Stars.

The Badlands
The Badlands is an untamed territory that extends beyond the Inner Ring, near where the Valley of Fate once stood. Since the Shattering, the Badlands have been constantly surrounded by heavy lightning storms, the strongest of which is called the Bladestorm. Most of the islands within the Badlands are surrounded by deadly reefs that prevent all but the most nimble of ships to approach. Many faithful of all evil religions come here every 25 years to conmemorate the destruction of the Light Bearers.

Many reports place clerics of [GGH] and a few paladins scouring the badlands for active Godsfire spots. It is rumored that an island inside the Bladestorm hides the Headquarters of what remains of the Order of Dawn. Other rumors say that a misterious cadre of priests resides in the Badlands as well, and that they are responsible for breeding the aquatic monsters that have become so commonplace these days.

Powerful Groups and Organizations

The Albionite Dragoons
The Dragoons are the Shadowy defenders of the Kingdom of Albion. Rumored to have Dragonblood in their veins, the members of this group are feared and respected for their skill with the use lances and other such reach weapons.

The Knights of Dawn
An order of Ancient paladins, all but extinct these days. In its appex, the Knights protected the city of Narzaghul from any outside threats, until they were destroyed by those whose very lives they defended. Members of this Order are spotted on ocassion, in the company of other good aligned priests, searching for Godsfire spots.

The Astriolian Arcane Knights
A group of Warrior/Wizards, the Astriolian Arcane Knights remain one of the most feared units within the Astriolian Army.

The Astriolian Chronomancers
Compared to the ancient Chronomancers of the Past, the present group of Time-Mages seem almost childlike in their powers. Still, few mages today can hope to reach the level of understanding of the Arcane that they command.

The Aurora Knights
A group of combat specialists, the Aurora Knights are the direct descendants of the Knights of Dawn, taking that order's place as the defenders of Narzaghul. Many rumors say that the Aurora Knights are dedicated to Paladin hunting, allied to members of some dark religions.

The Crimson Stars
A special Explorer unit of the Baraltian navy. They leave on year long trips to explore the Outer reaches and the Inner Ring.

The Blacktide Pirates
A misterious group of Brigands and Pirates that make their base of operations somewhere in the Inner Ring. They constantly prey on merchant ships of the other major powers, hiding to avoid their wrath.

The Order of the Oak
A group of Druids and Rangers that endeavour to repair the damage done to Reinsidor. They are specially distrustful of arcane spellcasters, whom they blame for the chaos that now sweeps over the shattered world.

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